Här är några Creative writings som jag har skrivit. OBS att alla är skriven på engelska och är inte färdigskrivet, men förmodligen borde kunna ta något från vad som har skrivits.

Here are a few creative writings I've created. Note that all are written in english and that none are finnished, but hopefully there should be something to take from what is written.

Rainbow six siege Operator Idea - Flourist

Name: Amanda “Florist” jørgensen

Sex: Female

Year of birth: 21/7/1998

Place of birth: Oslo, Norway

Speed: * *

Armour: * *

Side: Attacker

Gadget: The SMEG is a throwable grenade that ,when activated, opens up which makes it have a similar shape to a flower. While it is opened the center emanates microwaves that inflicts AOE damage to both enemies and friendlies during a period of time, then self destruct. All the damage done will decrease the max health for the rest of the round by the amount damaged. It can’t be destroyed when thrown, but after the SMEG activates there will be panels that can be blown up or shot to decreased the damage dealt. When all the panels are destroyed it will explode and destroy the gadget, this won’t do any AOE damage. After it has slowed down enough it will activate and get upright. After a few seconds it will do damage.

Background: Since Amanda was little, she was both fascinated by the complexity and ingenuity of what man has made but also the similar complexity with the diversity and beauty of flowers. She was especially interested in microwaves. She learned to build and tinker from her dad and also helped him with repairing microwaves, while to plant and take care of flowers from her mom. When in school she excelled in the sciences, but had some difficulty with every other subject.

When she was a teen she became interested in the military, and when she turned 18 she got conscripted in the army. While in service Amanda experimented with trying to make a more compact version of microwave weapons used by other militaries, just in a smaller package (for more details, see notes). After tinkering long enough she successfully made a working model, with some reliability problems. She named it the small microwave emitting grenade, or SMEG.

The invention of the SMEG caught the attention of team rainbow after her superiors recommended for assessing. Team rainbow were not only impressed with the SMEG but also her ability to be resourceful to make things in the field, help people with problems and generally increase morale and mood with, for example flowers. For the reason of her having a green thumb with flowers. They gave Amanda the option to join team rainbow. She accepted. After getting the training she didn’t have she officially joined team rainbow in 2018.

Psychological profile: There are two sides of Florist each differing in many ways, similar to Timur “Glaz” Glazkov. Normally she is open, caring with flowers and people, likes to know how things work and will do small things to for example help people or increase morale. When in high stress and similar situations she is calm in a way that was "infectious" to everyone around, though she can't really lead in these situations.

Psychological profile: There are two sides of Florist each differing in many ways, similar to Timur “Glaz” Glazkov. Normally she is open, caring with flowers and people, likes to know how things work and will do small things to for example help people or increase morale. When in high stress and similar situations she is calm in a way that was "infectious" to everyone around, though she can't really lead in these situations.


Hæren Military training.

Team rainbow room breaching and clearing complimentary training.

Relevant experiences: None real in-field experience.

Notes: “I got some inspiration for the SMEG from how flowers bloom and incorporated something similar in it. After the first one I made I got to meet some operators from team rainbows to see if I could be in a part of the organisation, i was honored. When I showed them my grenade they were astonished by its somewhat simple design and unorthodox payload. But after that I felt that it could be smaller and more reliable, so I improved it with the help of people like Monika and Marius. Marius especially helped making it smaller, but not accurate like his ADS. ” Amanda “Florist” Jørgensen

Rainbow six siege Operator Idea - Slugger

Name: Sam “Slugger” Scout

Age: 40

Sex: Female

Place of birth: Massachusetts, USA

Date of birth: 4 July

Organization: Nighthaven; Bounty hunter

Speed: * * *

Armor: *

Side: Attacker


  • Primary weapon: Spas-12  or Spas-15
  • Secondary weapon: LeMat modern (custom version of cartridge variant of original LeMat revolver) 
  • Secondary gadget: flashbang or smoke grenade (alt changing either with claymore or hard breach gadget)
  • Attachments: Spas-12; built in brass catcher, red dot, holo, laser | Spas-15; red dot, holo, laser | LeMat; laser

Gadget: Slugger can change from normal 12 gauge buckshot to special 12 gauge hollow point slugs on the fly. The slugs do more damage than standard slugs and slows down the target due to more energy going into the target. but due to this it can’t penetrate multiple targets. If the slugs hit a destructible surface it will fragment and act like normal buckshot, but with fewer pellets. Passive is a scope magnifier for longer range engagements and the ability to change primary fire from semi-auto to pump action or vice versa. Semi-auto does have a faster rate of fire while pump action does higher damage with less damage dropoff and is better at destruction. Changing ammo type with the Spas-12 will mean changing it to pump action (if it wasn’t already) and eject all remaining shells in the magazine and then reload as normal. Changing ammo type with the Spas-15 will just include changing magazines and recharging the bolt.

Role: Similar to Buck, with a lot of soft destruction and vertical play. The slugs allow Slugger to increase her effective range.

Notable features: Many small scars over the entire face. The central incisor (left), lateral incisor (left) and cuspid (left) are changed with metal (teeth knocked out during fight). Bracelet tattoo of the bisexual flag on left wrist. Missing Big right toe.

Bio: “I’m no girl or lady, but the spear point of any operation” - Sam “slugger” Scout

Sam was born in Boston, Massachusetts to Jeremy and Pauline Scout as Rose Scout. She was always the trouble child since birth.

Psychological profile:“One of the first things that stood out when specialist Sam “Slugger” Scout came into my room for the first time was the scars. Scars are nothing new to me, Lera ”Finka” Melnikova has a big slash on her face and Jaimini Kalimohan "Kali" Shah has a bullet hole on her shoulder. What stood out was the amount of scars on one face. She saw my surprised expression and just gave me a big smile. [...] Talking to her was a pleasant experience. She had a very carefree attitude and was very talkative. It was almost like talking to a child. I’m not going to lie and say that i felt a little bit uncomfortable in the beginning. [...] 

I noticed she would periodicaly grab her left wrist where there was a tattoo of what looked like the bisexual flag. I asked her the meaning and significance of it and she bluntly told me ’it’s to show I swing both ways’. I was a little surprised by the forwardness and speed of the reply. With how certain groups are treated around the world I would’ve thought that she would be more reserved about just telling anyone, much less someone she had just met. I asked her about this and she declared that she doesn’t care what others think and she would fight the world. Her attitude was very unique. I then continued questioning her why she held her wrist. After probing for a while I learned that she is still insecure about her sexuality. During adolescence and early adulthood she wasn’t sure of who she was attracted to. She believed then that, as a girl, you had to be attracted to boys. While she did feel an attraction towards boys she also felt the same for girls so she wondered if there was something wrong with her. Later she learned that there were people who were attracted to the same sex. Even with this she thought that you were either attracted to the same or opposite sex. When she was 25 she met up with an old friend of hers that later came out as bisexual. It took awhile for her to realise that she was bi. But by this time she had internalized anxiety over her sexuality. So she got the tattoo to remind her of who she is. [...] 

When I asked about the Bosak sisters I saw a reserved smile on Sluggers face the entire time, especially when talking about Elżbieta "Ela" Bosak. She went on and on about Ela, their conversations and what they’ve done together and kept on calling Ela her “girlfriend”. I feel like Ela is important to Slugger. The same thing can’t be said of Zofia Bosak, with her being very strict and all of that. [...] I also told her that some operators have complained of her being overly flirtatious. Zofia’s complaints were especially harsh due to her already being in a relationship and having a daughter. But the other complaints were them being more uncomfortable than anything. This is especially true of the operatives from Russia, thought not all to the same degree.”

                - Dr. Harishva "Harry" Pandey, Director of Rainbow


Device Evaluation

Device: 12 gauge hollow point slugs

Operator: Specialist Sam “Slugger” Scout

Evaluation Lead: Specialist Sam “Slugger” Scout

“So...Mira told me to bring in my slugs for testing. I was happy to oblige. These puppies function exactly like standard hollow point rounds by expanding the bullet so that the projectile stays in your target. But my slugs dump more energy into the target due to being fired from a shotgun shell, which has a bigger charge than any standard pistol cartridge. It hurts. Trust me, I know. 

(Comment_E. Álvarez: Edited for length. Mira.)

(Comment_J. Nizan: Doc and I warned you about the dangers.)

Just like my sexuality, I don’t have to choose just one thing. Buckshot for short range. Slugs for longer range. Easy.

(Comment_E. Álvarez: I’m going to let this one slide, but try to leave your sexuality out of this context. Mira.)”

- Specialist Sam “Slugger” Scout

SCP-The devils flu

Item #: SCP-XXXX

Object Class: Euclid

Special Containment Procedures: Samples of SCP-XXXX are to be stored in special cold storage units meant for storing pathogens. Experiments can only be conducted with the approval of the site site director. If the SCP-XXXX has breached containment then MTF Beta-7 "Maz Hatters" will be assigned to both containment and cleanup.

After (Incidents) . The number and exact location of sites where samples of SCP-XXXX are stored is classified to level 3 personnel and below.

Description: SCP-XXXX is a virus which spreads through bodily fluids, with the blood and sweat being most infectious, that only infects humans without y chromosomes. There are 4 stages of infection. Stage 0 is when humans with the y chromosome get infected. Subjects may experience mild coughing and increased levels of sweating. Subjects at stage 0 carry the virus and can infect others. When a human without y chromosomes gets infected with SCP-XXXX they will go through stages 1 through 4. Subjects at stage 1 will have their body temperature increase, start to excessively sweat and have mild rashes appear all over the body. At stage 2 the subject's blood will start to pour through their skin. The main hypothesis is that the rashes cause the skin to become brittle and cause . This process isn’t painful for the subject but can cause them to become distressed. At stage 3 the subject will become aggressive and try to scratch, bite, spit or any other means of spreading SCP-XXXX to anyone in their vicinity. . The time between stages varies considerably but usually ranges from 45 minutes to two weeks. But there are a few cases where the subject goes through all the stages in a few minutes.

Discovery: .

Addendum: Between may 20 and july 13 in the year 2000 there were many attacks on foundation facilities and sites where samples of SCP-XXXX were stored. For more details, see Dr. Jonathan.

Stages of scp: stage 0 (coughing), stage 1 (higher body temperature, excessive sweating, mild rashes over body), stage 2 (Blood pouring through skin, pain), stage 3 (aggression), stage 4 (permanent skin change, back to normal behaviour).

Rainbow six siege Operator Idea - Juggernaut

Name: Mike ”juggernaut” Thompson

Nationality: Unknown

Org: Nighthaven

Place of birth: Unknown

Age: 37

Sex: Male

Side: Attacker

Speed: *

Armor: * * *

Primary: Saw LMG

Secondaries: M45 meusoc or PMM.

Secondary gadget: Flashbang or .

Alt within parentheses, (Alt), is alternate proposal to an aspect if the first one could make the operator OP/broken. 


Juggernaut wears the BCR vest, ballistic combat rig, an bullet resistant kevlar vest interviewed with ballistic armour plates that has an built-in gas mask and anti-flash visor. This makes it resemble armour worn by knights during the middle ages or juggernaut.

The BCR can soak up 100 HP (alt 50 HP) before breaking or one headshot for the same thing. The headshot protection only works from the front and a little bit to the sides. To note is that it doesn’t matter how much damage the vest takes (0-99) before if the visor is shot at. If the vest breaks then Juggernaut stumbles backwards due to the plates in the vest “exploding” (see notes for explanation), similar to Nomads airjab. If the vest was destroyed with an headshot then it will also cause juggernaut to lose 50 hp (alt 75 HP). 

The built-in “gas mask” reduces the damage done by smokes gas canisters. To note is that if Finka boost is active while Juggernaut is inside Smoke’s smoke the damage reduction is canceled and he gets dealt normal damage.

The anti-flash visor reduces the flash and tinnitus of any flashbang (includes Yings candela). It doesn’t affect concussion effects.

Juggernaut also wears a ammo backpack on his person that has all the ammo for his primary LMG, his only primary choice. The backpack makes it so that he doesn’t need to reload his primary.


The Childhood of Mike Thompson is shrouded in mystery. What is known is that he moved around the world at a very young age with a mentor. .

Psychological report:

When I first saw met with Mike thompson, I was intrigued with him.[...]

[...] While we talked to each other I drank coffee, and after I got a fresh warm cup, I spilled some on my shirt. When Thompson saw this I got overflooded by him saying things like “are you okay?”, ”did it hurt?”, “is there anything I can do to help” and the like. Unlike anyone I have been with before he was really focused on my health. And after this incident .

Character: Courageous and selfless for those close to him and those in need. Can go to great lengths to save others, even at the expense of his health, wellbeing and potentially his life. Can “over sympathize” over the smallest things. ex. he accidentally makes so that someone stumbles, he will be. There’s a link between this and him being diagnosed with Dysthymia. A gentle giant.

(-- Dr. Harishva "Harry" Pandey)


Device: Ballistic Combat Rig vest - Kevlar, ballistic plate weave hybrid body armour

Operator: Mike “Juggernaut” Thompson

Evaluation Lead: Julien “Rook” Nizan

I got asked by to help with testing the BCR, due to my use of trauma plates. I was eager to help, mostly to quench my curiosity of how it was made up from when I first saw it.

The vest has in total of 12 steel armor plates of varying sizes with 6 on the shoulders, 3 on each, and 6 on the upper torso. The multiple plates allow the wearer to have similar flexibility to a standard plate carrier while having more protection. 

The plates are woven inside a kevlar vest with the dimensions of a t-shirt. It’s both a good and a bad thing. It increases flexible of the vest but makes it so that if it the vest gets shot then the BCR must be discarded to make a new one. It must be tedious to make a new vest after a mission just because you got shot once in the chest.

The Armour has an visor that detects how much light shines at the wearer and if it reaches a certain level it reflects the light.

Mira, I hope you tell Mike to fix the problems of the BCR for his own sake. We don’t want a friend to wear what is essentially a ticking time bomb.

[R&D director Elena María Álvarez : I will]

The BCR has on the top part a visor.

-- Gilles “Montagne” Touré