Name: Amanda “Florist” jørgensen
Sex: Female
Year of birth: 21/7/1998
Place of birth: Oslo, Norway
Speed: * *
Armour: * *
Side: Attacker
Gadget: The SMEG is a throwable grenade that ,when activated, opens up which makes it have a similar shape to a flower. While it is opened the center emanates microwaves that inflicts AOE damage to both enemies and friendlies during a period of time, then self destruct. All the damage done will decrease the max health for the rest of the round by the amount damaged. It can’t be destroyed when thrown, but after the SMEG activates there will be panels that can be blown up or shot to decreased the damage dealt. When all the panels are destroyed it will explode and destroy the gadget, this won’t do any AOE damage. After it has slowed down enough it will activate and get upright. After a few seconds it will do damage.
Background: Since Amanda was little, she was both fascinated by the complexity and ingenuity of what man has made but also the similar complexity with the diversity and beauty of flowers. She was especially interested in microwaves. She learned to build and tinker from her dad and also helped him with repairing microwaves, while to plant and take care of flowers from her mom. When in school she excelled in the sciences, but had some difficulty with every other subject.
When she was a teen she became interested in the military, and when she turned 18 she got conscripted in the army. While in service Amanda experimented with trying to make a more compact version of microwave weapons used by other militaries, just in a smaller package (for more details, see notes). After tinkering long enough she successfully made a working model, with some reliability problems. She named it the small microwave emitting grenade, or SMEG.
The invention of the SMEG caught the attention of team rainbow after her superiors recommended for assessing. Team rainbow were not only impressed with the SMEG but also her ability to be resourceful to make things in the field, help people with problems and generally increase morale and mood with, for example flowers. For the reason of her having a green thumb with flowers. They gave Amanda the option to join team rainbow. She accepted. After getting the training she didn’t have she officially joined team rainbow in 2018.
Psychological profile: There are two sides of Florist each differing in many ways, similar to Timur “Glaz” Glazkov. Normally she is open, caring with flowers and people, likes to know how things work and will do small things to for example help people or increase morale. When in high stress and similar situations she is calm in a way that was "infectious" to everyone around, though she can't really lead in these situations.
Psychological profile: There are two sides of Florist each differing in many ways, similar to Timur “Glaz” Glazkov. Normally she is open, caring with flowers and people, likes to know how things work and will do small things to for example help people or increase morale. When in high stress and similar situations she is calm in a way that was "infectious" to everyone around, though she can't really lead in these situations.
Hæren Military training.
Team rainbow room breaching and clearing complimentary training.
Relevant experiences: None real in-field experience.
Notes: “I got some inspiration for the SMEG from how flowers bloom and incorporated something similar in it. After the first one I made I got to meet some operators from team rainbows to see if I could be in a part of the organisation, i was honored. When I showed them my grenade they were astonished by its somewhat simple design and unorthodox payload. But after that I felt that it could be smaller and more reliable, so I improved it with the help of people like Monika and Marius. Marius especially helped making it smaller, but not accurate like his ADS. ” Amanda “Florist” Jørgensen